Monday, May 05, 2008 arca: the inaugural carolina five hundred at rockingham (to the song “gto” by ronnie and the daytonas) jo-ey lo-ga-no got in car twen-ty-five for his first ar-ca race (with) for-ty-nine cars be-hind rock-ing-ham’s track was back o-pen and the young-ster shi-yi-yined be-cause the car-o-li na-five-hun dred-went-to lo-gan-o go, go, joe-y lo-ga-no for-ty-nine cars are too slow go, go, jo-ey lo-ga-no dom-in-at-ing from the pole was - jo-ey lo-ga-no big wreck hap-pened on the twelfth lap scott speed did-n’t slow mich-ael ann-ett got dam-age then came back like a pro justin all-gaier pulled a musc-le his trans-miss-ion bro-whoa-oke and then the car-o-li na-five-hun dred-went-to lo-gan-o go, go, joe-y lo-ga-no for-ty-nine cars are too slow go, go, jo-ey lo-ga-no dom-in-at-ing from the pole was - jo-ey lo-ga-no DANCE BREAK! (instrumental) jo-ey stretched his four hoo-siers a hundred one cir-cuits got some fresh ones and pre-tty soon three lead lap cars were it log-a-no’s tires were ol-der (but) he did-n’t pi-i-it un-til the cau-tion with nine to go schra-der was in the lead, but we know that then the car-o-li- na-five-hun- dred-went-to lo-gan-o go, go, joe-y lo-ga-no for-ty nine cars are too slow go, go, jo-ey lo-ga-no dom-in-at-ing from the pole was - jo-ey lo-ga-no