karaoke for nascar fans

Monday, January 21, 2008

the 1976 daytona five hundred

(to the song “flowers on the wall” by the statler brothers)

day-to-na, two kings of speed be-gan a game of chess

the tri-oval on the last lap was - a big ol’ mess

last year, with two left, sil-ver fox lost when his au-to spun

this year, he just did it a-gain, but this time pear-son won

both the lea-ders hit the wall

rich-ard pet-ty slid, then stalled

dav-id pear-son’s hopes looked gone

but his en-gine was still on

stepped down on the gas and passed that rich-ard pet-ty crew

they pushed his dodge - to po-si-tion two

foy-t, wal-trip, and dave marc-is were too fast, the pole went

t’ra-mo stott, but he got caught, to the back, he was sent

buddy ba-ker then had the lead un-til his en-gine blew

a.j. foyt came from the rear, then his en-gine went, too

both the lea-ders hit the wall

rich-ard pet-ty slid, then stalled

dav-id pear-son’s hopes looked gone

but his en-gine was still on

stepped down on the gas and passed that rich-ard pet-ty crew

they pushed his dodge - to po-si-tion two

bo-bby all-ison, wal-trip, and yar-bor-ough all fell out

s’the win-ner of the race, was still ve-ry much in doubt

ol’ b.p., boy, he near-ly won two straight five hun-dreds

but a cyl-in-der dropped out, so by him pet-ty sped

both the lea-ders hit the wall

rich-ard pet-ty slid, then stalled

da-vid pear-son’s hopes looked gone

but his en-gine was still on

stepped down on the gas and passed that rich-ard pet-ty crew

they pushed his dodge - to po-si-tion two

pushed his dodge - to po-si-tion two

Posted by Brock Beard :: 9:58 AM ::

"win on sunday, sing on monday"