karaoke for nascar fans

Monday, January 14, 2008

the 1990 daytona five hundred

(to the song “a.m. radio” by everclear)

at day-to-na, nine-teen nine-ty

one hun-dred fif-ty-five cir-cuits led by car num-ber three

like rus-ty wallace’s crew-man once said,

“shoot-in' out earn-hardt’s tire’s only way some-one else wins ins-tead,”

so guess what hap-pened la-ter that day?

white flag: earn-hardt was lea-din’ the way

twelfth time’s the charm, che-ckers in the air

at the start / fin-ish line, earn-hardt’s che-vy was the first there! (NO!)

no, a tire blew so he would lose it to a

guy named derr-ike cope (guy named derr-ike cope)

yeah, who won? wash-ing-to-ni-an cup dri-ver derr-ike cope!

way back - in row twen-ty-two

ham-il-ton and tom-my el-lis had schra-der in their cam-e-ra’s view

ken’s pole: third cons-ec-u-tive year

but a crash on thurs-day put his back-up car in the rear

then watch the ko-di-ak car ride the air

schra-der said, “car’s great, but the dri-ver’s scared”

was runn-ing third at one time, then on lap fif-ty-five

turn two, the eng-ine blew up, en-ding his race that day

dale earn-hardt’s che-vy was stro-ng

led by thir-ty sec-onds all day lo-ng

seemed like no-thin’ could go wro-ng

then a tire blew so he would lose it to a

guy named derr-ike cope (guy named derr-ike cope)

yeah, who won? wash-ing-to-ni-an cup dri-ver derr-ike cope!

his se-ven-ty-sec-ond start

got him a day-to-na crown!

(Ken Squier over instrumental)
“And on the outside it is car - number ten, Derrike Cope! Something amiss on the Earnhardt car! Coming to the line, it’s Labonte pulling up and in an amazing finish - the Whitcomb Racing Team has won it!”

the king, thurs-day, had a great ride

but a tire got him stuck in the grass on the in-side

mike al-ex-an-der al-most spun ear-ly

then he wrecked with rob mor-o-so, par-sons, and kul-wi-cki

dar-rell wal-trip slipped back from a vi-bra-tion

lake speed gam-bled at half-way, but his fuel was im-pa-tient

ter-ry la-bon-te - made a great save

rus-ty wall-ace wound up se-venth place

he star-ted in thir-ty-eighth

way back in thir-ty-eighth

way back in thir-ty-eighth


then o-ver bud-dy parr-ott’s ra-dio

“which way to vict’ry lane, man, I don’t know!”

said an excited derr-ike cope!


un-der cau-tion, hill-in hit earn-hardt real slow

boy, was he un-hap-py

who knew they both would lose it to a guy named derr-ike cope?

who won? wash-ing-to-ni-an cup dri-ver derr-ike cope

who won? wash-ing-to-ni-an cup - derr-ike cope - stole the show

led five laps, star-ted out-side the sixth row

derr-ike cope - stole the show

led five laps, was his first top-five al-so

derr-ike cope - stole the show

led five laps, in his or-ange car one-oh

derr-ike cope - stole the show

led five laps, brett bo-dine won wilkes-bo-ro

derr-ike cope - stole the show

led five laps, star-ted out-side the sixth row

derr-ike cope—
Posted by Brock Beard :: 8:35 PM ::

"win on sunday, sing on monday"