Monday, January 07, 2008 the 1995 daytona five hundred (to the song “flirtin’ with disaster” by molly hatchet) ![]() earn-hardt sure made a run, but ster-lin’s car was fas-ter four tires and tape both helped a lot, but could-n’t help him get past ster! now ster-ling mar-lin - joins rich-ard pe-tty and cale yar-bo-rough as the on-ly three guys who won this race two years in a row ten cau-tions spelled dis-as-ter, and it came ear-ly nem-e-chek wrecked a-lone, bad luck a-gain, rus-ty steve kin-ser’s race was short, a shame, so was his sea-son (a) ci-gar-ette swerved tri-ckle in-to car thir-ty-three lap sev-en-ty-one, the race was slowed two hours of hea-vy rain stopped the show that race took al-most the whole day but ster-ling mar-lin won an-y-way (Ken Squier over instrumental:) “And the winner of the 1995 Daytona 500 is again Sterling Marlin! What does Dale Earnhardt have to do to win this race?” (jeff) gor-don’s run-nin’ out front, but he fin-ished a whole lap down he got some dam-age whileonpitroad, the jack slipped off the ground in his two hun-dred eigh-teenth start, dale jar-rett won his first pole but for the se-ven-teenth straight year, earn-hardt left fee-lin’ aw-ful mus-grave was a fac-tor, steve - gris-som in se-venth mike wall-ace and jeff pur-vis were in one acc-i-dent todd bod-ine, dave marc-is and - jer-e-my may-fie-ld all lost their en-gines, bo-bby la-bon-te wrecked right at the end a-yeah, lap sev-en-ty-one, the race was slowed two hours of hea-vy rain stopped the show that race took al-most the whole day but ster-ling mar-lin won an-y-way that’s two-for-two, baby! that’s somethin’, everybody! doooah, go ster-lin’! (Sterling Marlin impression over instrumental, pausing between each sentence:) Good day f’rus, the team. Oh, man, lemme tell ye. Y’know that ol’ Kodak Chevy run good out thur, real good. Led a ton uh lap, wound up winnin’ the thing ‘gain, how ‘bout that. Sweain’ las’ caution a bi’, di’n need tha’. Earn-hardt got them four fresh tahres ‘n was catchin’ us. Sure looked fast out thur. Uh, real fas’. We come down to tha’ las’ lap, he gainin’ on us, but ah know ah cain’t let ‘im by. I’s able pull away from ‘im off the backstretch, co’in off two. ‘N now, well, uh, here we’are talkin’ t’y’all gain. Good, real good, Mo’an ‘Clure, wa-wanna thank Tony Glover and the crew, Ko-dak, Del-co Remy, uh, Ma’ Tool, AC Spar’ Plug, an’ Chevy, man, go’ah say, this ol’ Mon’e Carlo run good t’day, real good. Bes’ car ah haid at Day-tona. Love com’in here, e’ry year, jus’ runnin’ these plate races, just put that foot down ‘n let’er eat, son! Whew! Man, thi’ feel good! Wann’ say hi t’e’ryone in Tenn’se, we’re bringin’ this here trophy bah home! mus-grave was a fac-tor, steve - gris-som in se-venth mike wall-ace and jeff pur-vis were in one acc-i-dent todd bod-ine, dave marc-is and - jer-e-my may-fie-ld all lost their en-gines, bo-bby la-bon-te wrecked right at the end a-yeah, lap sev-en-ty-one, the race was slowed two hours of hea-vy rain stopped the show that race took al-most the whole day - buh-buh-buh yeah but ster-ling mar-lin won an-y-way