karaoke for nascar fans

Monday, February 18, 2008

the fiftieth daytona five hundred

(to the song “zoot suit riot” by the cherry poppin’ daddies)

day-to-na five hun-dred’s fif-ty

front row is john-son and mik-ey

tires chunked and some lift-ers broke

thurs-day, ham-lin - passed-up smoke

an-dre-tti, vick-ers, and - two from fur-ni-ture row

made dale jarr-ett’s last one, but the gold tro-phy goes

(to) rock-et ry-an (new-man!)

thanks to a punt in the rear

(from) kurt be-hind him (new-man!)

the fin-al lap, they both had smoke cleared

rock-et ry-an (new-man!)

first win in more than two years

great job dri-vin’ (new-man!)

the cap-tain’s first plate win, it is here!

go, penske!


jun-ior stayed out, he can’t make a run

clint bowy-er, from the lead, mon-toy-a spun

wrecks took mears, dave blan-ey, and ra-gan

shock broke late for jeff gor-don

kyle busch led all day, yeah, he won’t let ham-lin by

came back near the end, but he then ran out of time

(to) rock-et ry-an (new-man!)

dodge sure looks fast-er this year!

great job dri-vin’ (new-man!)

sam horn-ish fin-ished fif-teenth, how weird!

look out for rock-et ry-an

look out for rock-et ry-an

look out for rock-et ry-an

(broadcast call over instrumental)
“Newman was trying to get help from the other blue Dodge, now he’s got it. Toyota on the inside lane, Dodge on the outside lane, who’s gonna win it?
“It’s gonna go all the way to the wire, here they go into turn three!”
“Teammates working together, 20-18, 2-12! 12 is gonna win this race, I don’t think they can catch him back to the line!”
“He’s gonna have to make it wide! Pedal! Have to make it wide! Pedal!”
“Mr. Boilermaker, Ryan Newman! Ryan Newman, Roger Penske wins the Daytona 500!”

oh, mar-tin lost two laps when two ti-res both went flat

a hot day, watch cars give that out-side wall a slap

(not) rock-et ry-an (new-man!)

thanks to a punt in the rear

(from) kurt be-hind him (new-man!)

the fin-al lap, they both had smoke cleared

rock-et ry-an (new-man!)

first win in more than two years

great job dri-vin’ (new-man!)

the cap-tain’s first plate win, it is here!

look out for rock-et ry-an

look out for rock-et ry-an

look out for rock-et ry-an—

Roll out the red carpet and call your agent, ‘cause we’re going to Fontana for the Auto Club 500 at California Speedway!

Posted by Brock Beard :: 4:30 PM ::

"win on sunday, sing on monday"