karaoke for nascar fans

Monday, March 10, 2008

the 2008 kobalt tools five hundred at atlanta

(to the song “turning japanese” by the vapors)

rob-by’s twen-ty-first

watch car-l slide

jeff’s pole, the slow-est

since nine-ty-five

all-men-din-ger must now ob-serve, mike skin-ner drives

pat-rick car-pen-tier

is two-for-two

dave blan-ey feels bad

he’s got the flu

fri-day, kyle busch thought that the a-pron was a groove

watch jun-ior take off

lap-ping cars non-stop

wal-trip and nem-e-chek bounced off of the wall

kas-ey kahne led once

be-cause he wheel-hopped

and then he spun a-round in the quad-o-val

john-son said, “boy i am like jack-ie chan”

too bad sun-day went to ja-pan ‘cause

who’s that in the lead? it’s kyle busch’s car eigh-teen,

watch his cam-ry go

and for-tun-ately, his ti-re did-n’t spring a leak,

sec-ond place was smoke

five years af-ter bob-by la-bon-te won in oh-three’s

at-lan-ta al-so

half a cen-tu-ry since al kel-ler’s lin-den vict’ry,

last for-eign make show


clint bow-yer looked good

may-be thought he could

win it all, but wound up a third-straight sixth place

a hamlin pit stop

that was un-sched-uled

gave a-way spots that he could not quite re-place

team-mate’s car did weird stuff, the ride was rough

but not en-ough, ‘cause busch was tough and

who’s that in the lead? it’s kyle busch’s car eighteen,

watch his cam-ry go

and for-tun-ately, his ti-re did-n’t spring a leak,

sec-ond place was smoke

five years af-ter bob-by la-bon-te won in oh-three’s

at-lan-ta al-so

half a cen-tu-ry since al kel-ler’s lin-den vict’ry,

last for-eign make show

ti-res too hard, four de-bris cau-tions

sad-ler kept on spin-ning, third time was the charm

ed-wards had the lead, but the af-lac car blew smoke

pulled be-hind the wall, thinks that the trans-miss-ion broke

what a shame

and then watch

who’s that in the lead? it’s kyle busch’s car eighteen,

watch his cam-ry go

and for-tun-ately, his ti-re did-n’t spring a leak,

sec-ond place was smoke

five years af-ter bob-by la-bon-te won in oh-three’s

at-lan-ta al-so

half a cen-tu-ry since al kel-ler’s lin-den vict’ry,

last for-eign make show


who’s that in the lead? it’s kyle busch’s car eighteen,

watch his cam-ry go

and for-tun-ately, his ti-re did-n’t spring a leak,

sec-ond place was smoke

five years af-ter bob-by la-bon-te won in oh-three’s

at-lan-ta al-so

‘ry go

was smoke

make show

half a cen-tu-ry since al kel-ler’s lin-den vict’ry,

last for-eign make show—

The short track season is finally here! The Food City 500 from Bristol Motor Speedway, next week on “Karaoke for NASCAR Fans!”

Posted by Brock Beard :: 3:49 PM ::

"win on sunday, sing on monday"