karaoke for nascar fans

Monday, February 04, 2008

the 2008 silly season in three minutes, twelve seconds

(to the song “get out of my dreams (get into my car)” by billy ocean)

hey (hey)

who (who)

who’s in the eight car?


it’s true! - but where is earn-hardt?




earn-hardt jun-ior - has some new team-mates - car looks aw-ful

doug yates brought back - num-ber twen-ty eight - and kva-pil

bud-wei-ser’s on - kas-ey kahne’s dodge

while cas-ey mears is - mis-ter kell-ogg

schra-der’s a-gain car num-ber - for-ty-nine and

a plain and spon-sor-less - gil-i-land

here’s the new paint schemes

and op-en wheel stars (this year might be hard!)

not a-ny new teams - ex-cept for bar-rett’s, may-be

but they’re all new cars (of to-mor-oh-ow!)

jar-rett will re-tire (e.s.p.n. choir!)

reu-ti-mann is hi-red (he’ll drive the truck, too!)

this is oh-eight’s (eight’s) new (new)

sil-ly sea-son chart!


joe gibbs rac-ing - toy-o-ta this year - kyle busch will join ‘em

car nine-ty-six (nine-ty-six) - cam-ry with some new mirrors - ye-ley steers

dario fran-chi-tti, like jacques vill-en-euve,

pat-rick car-pen-tier, and sam hor-nish, too

will bat-tle re-gan smith and - mich-ael mc-dowell

for the cham-pi-on-ship - roo-kie bout!

here’s the new paint schemes

and op-en wheel stars (this year might be hard!)

who joined the haas team? - scott riggs and may-fie-ld did

rob-by’s a char-ger (new paint job, al-so!)

sad-ler’s with best buy (new gad-gets to try!)

bif-fle’s three-m’s guy (they make post-its, too!)

this is oh-eight’s (eight’s) new (new)

sil-ly sea-son chart!

oh, baby

let’s go

well a.t.-and-t’s back (has bur-ton’s back!)

carl has af-lac (hear his ford quack!)

yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah)

let’s go!—

Be sure to come by on Wednesday to celebrate the two-year anniversary of “Karaoke for NASCAR Fans” with the KFNF Theme, my 100th song!

Posted by Brock Beard :: 5:11 PM ::

"win on sunday, sing on monday"