Monday, February 25, 2008 the 2008 auto club five hundred at auto club (california) (to the song “raindrops keep fallin’ on my head” by b.j. thomas) ![]() a clamp fell off of wal-trip’s car he dropped tons of oi-l on the track be-fore the start rain had bare-ly dried de- bris flew all over, watch those cars o-ver-heat-in’ for poor ham-lin, track seep-age then took its toll and mears hit a wet patch, spun, and horn-ish made him roll jun-ior got a piece so crews tried to cut holes in the track, the rain came back nas-car wan-ted - to try to run those cars through mid-night un-der the lights but post-osc-ars just did-n’t work, so on to mon-day to-day, they fin-a-lly got it in bif-fle and kyle busch were not as fast and jeff gor-don blew up at the end but still fin-ished third since jar-rett’s spin caused a cau-tion while car-l e. won a race with jim-mie (instrumental) watch mc-mur-ray, he’s way too free drif-ted, but saved it oh, wait, did i al-so men-tion? the track changed its name to “au-to club,” how re-dun-dant! that won’t fill the seats but when this en-dur-ance race fin-ished, who was standing? it’s car-l e. in sec-ond was jim-mie— NEXT WEEK: Who will hit the jackpot in Sin City? Tune in here next Monday to find out in my tribute to the UAW-Dodge 400 from the Las Vegas Motor Speedway!