karaoke for nascar fans

Monday, December 03, 2007

the 2007 nextel cup series championship (controversy edition)

(to the song “is she really going out with him” by joe jackson)

(two) thou-sand sev-en be-gan with some-thin’ in mi-key’s en-gine

mo-tor-ola, nas-car says, can’t spon-sor rob-by’s team

the c.o.t. - (tee!) - ug-ly, fuel pumps broke and harv-ick’s - door foam burned

said was twice sent home by rain, need to fix qual-i-fy-ing

jim-mie john-son won the cup a-gain!

why were on-ly two hen-drick cars in the fight?!

with gordon’s six wins and john-son’s ten

this wasn’t an ea-sy sea-son, i’m run-nin’ out-ta songs o-ver he-re!

ve-gas and bris-tol’s new ban-king each left ma-ny mixed fee-lings

at at-lan-ta, wa-ter made its way in-to rac-ing fuel

back at kan-sas - (is!) - this was bow-yer’s, bif-fle slowed way too fast

jeff gor-don dis-a-greed with jacques vill-e-neuve’s ‘de-ga de-but

(what) the hell hap-pened to e.s.p.n.?

why did ed-wards fake a punch there in plain sight?

smoke was fined, he skipped a press con-ference

and now on top of it all, it’s the “sprint cup ser-ies” start-in’ next year

next year

a con-spir-a-cy: jun-ior quit, then his en-gines did, too

thanks to bob-by ginn, both mar-lin - and nem-e-chek fell through

is char-lotte lost? - did bru-ton toss - new hamp-shire?


jim-mie john-son won the cup a-gain!

why were on-ly two hen-drick cars in the fight?!

with gordon’s six wins and john-son’s ten

this wasn’t an ea-sy sea-son, i’m run-nin’ out-ta songs o-ver he-re!

o-ver here

run-nin’ out-ta songs o-ver here

run-nin’ out-ta songs o-ver here

run-nin’ out-ta songs o-ver here

run-nin’ out-ta songs o-ver—

Posted by Brock Beard :: 5:31 PM ::

"win on sunday, sing on monday"